Flexible Drainage Pipe Couplings

Flexible PVC Pipe Couplings are used for connecting Sewer & Drain and DWV Piping Systems to a variety of Piping Systems. Used for all types of in-house and sewer connections: drain, waste, vent piping, house-to-main, repairs, cut-ins, conductor and roof drains and increasers-reducers and expansion joints.

Made of superior elastomeric (PVC) poly-vinyl chloride.They are resilient, highly recommended, and unaffected by soil conditions.The dimensional flexibility of these couplings ensures leakproof seals on virtually any pipe material: plastic, cast iron, asbestos cement, clay concrete, steel, fibre and ductile iron. These transition couplings will meet your needs for your piping connections.

The High Performance Worm Drive clips are in Stainless Steel

Flexible Drainage Pipe Couplings
Stock Code: FER112112PP
2 In Stock
£4.45 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£3.74 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£10.73 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£4.67 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£8.21 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£5.82 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£7.52 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£7.56 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£9.42 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£7.45 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£5.94 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£22.43 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£14.94 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£20.02 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£20.86 (exc VAT) per EACH
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